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Torrens River @ Seaview Road Bridge
Water Data Services 10:01_05/10/2024 Page 1 HYSITREP - Site Summary Report A5041014 - Torrens River @ Seaview Road SITE DESCRIPTION Site: A5041014 Seaview Road Site Name: Torrens River @ Seaview Road Commence: 23/04/2010 Cease: Grid Ref: Zone: 54 Easting: 271636.5 Northing: 6131303 Grid Datum: WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984 Latitude: -34.934949 34�56'05.8"S Longitude: 138.499693 138�29'58.9"E Lat/Long Datum: WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984 Comment: Composite sampling started 2011. All times displayed are in Australian Central Standard Time (UTC +9.5) unless marked otherwise. STATION DESCRIPTION Datum: ALD Gauge Datum (DWLBC Code) Control: Natural channel/tidal CTF Level: 1 Max Gauged Stage: 0.74 Max Gauge Date: 3/09/2010 D'stream from Dam: False Min Peak Discharge: 15 Time between Peaks: 1440 Mins STATION HISTORY PERIOD OF RECORD Variable Data Source Start End No. Data Type Maximum Minimum Date Date Days Value Date Value Date 100.00 Water Level (m) A 20/05/2010 15/08/2024 5201 Instantaneous 1.926 30/09/2016 -0.134 07/12/2014 140.00 Discharge (m^3/s) A 20/05/2010 15/08/2024 5201 Instantaneous 218.204 30/09/2016 0.000 20/05/2010 140.00 Discharge (m^3/s) A 20/05/2010 15/08/2024 5201 Instantaneous 217.675 30/09/2016 0.000 20/05/2010 450.00 Water Temp (Deg C) A 12/10/2010 15/08/2024 5056 Instantaneous 59.460 22/02/2024 0.000 20/12/2013 802.99 SS (mg/L) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 11/09/2024 4856 Instantaneous 310.000 14/07/2016 1.500 11/06/2024 804.00 Turbidity (NTU) A 29/10/2010 15/08/2024 5039 Instantaneous 2665.900 14/09/2016 -111.000 06/01/2017 804.99 Turbidity (NTU) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 11/09/2024 4856 Instantaneous 155.000 18/07/2014 0.600 27/02/2015 806.99 pH Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 11/09/2024 4856 Instantaneous 9.200 16/11/2020 6.430 29/08/2011 821.00 EC Corrected (us/cm) A 29/10/2010 15/08/2024 5039 Instantaneous 11657.000 03/12/2018 0.000 29/12/2010 821.99 EC Corrected (us/cm) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 11/09/2024 4856 Instantaneous 5793.000 14/07/2016 320.000 27/02/2014 824.99 Total P (mg/L) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 11/09/2024 4856 Instantaneous 0.299 27/02/2014 0.000 11/06/2024 826.99 TKN (mg/L) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 11/09/2024 4856 Instantaneous 5.200 16/07/2024 0.020 11/06/2024 827.99 NOx (mg/L) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 11/09/2024 4856 Instantaneous 0.820 16/08/2013 0.003 07/11/2014 843.99 Copper (mg/L) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 14/12/2021 3854 Instantaneous 0.054 05/09/2016 0.001 12/02/2018 844.99 Lead (mg/L) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 14/12/2021 3854 Instantaneous 0.035 10/02/2020 0.000 27/09/2018 846.99 Zinc (mg/L) Composite SamplA 27/05/2011 14/12/2021 3854 Instantaneous 0.247 10/02/2020 0.005 08/11/2011